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Selectmen Minutes 01/20/2009

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 20, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Department Heads present: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; Gil Vien, Fire Chief

Others present: Alan Mayville

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm

SUBJECT: CIP Committee
Present: Lisa Drouse and Richard Moore

Mr. Moore addressed the Board to solicit time to present the Capital Improvements Plan at Town Meeting.  The committee would like to address sections 1, 7 & 9 specifically, with complete copies of the plan available as handouts.

The Board was in favor of this request and discussed drafting a warrant article similar to the school warrant to address reports from agents.

SUBJECT: Drainage problem-Granny Howe Road  
Present: Pam Stiles

Ms. Stiles shared photos of the ice buildup she experiences at the end of her driveway where it abuts Granny Howe Road.  Ms. Stiles stated she had spoken to the Road Agent after the ditching was done because it created a gully between the road and her driveway.  Now in the winter, the snow and ice builds up making it difficult to enter and exit her driveway.  Mr. Kenneally stated a culvert is now needed and committed to installing such in the spring.  This expense will be born by the town as the issue was caused by the town.

Prior to the next appointment, Chairman DeBold allowed comment from Mr. Mayville.  Mr. Mayville requested the draft minutes be corrected prior to approval to accurately reflect his words of last week.  Mr. Mayville stated that he did not wish to make the situation permanent not personal and he also stated that two of the Board members were acting like bullies and cowards.

Chairman DeBold recognized Mr. David Colbert, who wished to address the Board.  Mr. Colbert posed the question of whether or not the Board has given any thought to what compensation would be paid should the current Road Agent not win re-election and an in-experienced candidate gets elected.  Will the position remain the same with the same hours per week?  Chairman DeBold acknowledged that Mr. Colbert had raised a very good point and stated that this has not come up for discussion by the Board and that no wage scale exists at the present for this or any of the town positions.  Chairman DeBold expressed his opinion that the Board should address this issue.

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BOS minutes
January 20, 2009

Mr. Colbert stated this position has become a whipping post by the present Board and the Board needs to figure out if it is to stay an elected position or an appointed one.  Mr. Colbert feels that the pay should be based on training, education and experience and that someone should not be able to win by popularity and come in making what Mr. Kenneally built the position to be.   Mr. Colbert requested an answer from the Board if possible prior to the end of the filing period for candidacy on January 30, 2009, as he may be interested in running for the position.  Mr. Kenneally, for the record stated he is going to get re-elected so it doesnít matter.

Mr. Kenneally reported the 97 Ford truck is up and running with the sander on it.  Runs good, plows good.  Mr. Kenneally reported he had an accident with the International truck on Depot Street.  The wing was torn off the front when the truck caught the expansion joint on the bridge, just over $2,000 in repairs.
Selectman MacCleery reminded Mr. Kenneally of his responsibility to report the incident to the insurance company.

Chairman DeBold asked the status of the injured employee.  Mr. Kenneally reported the employee is still out and returns to the doctor on Friday.  

SUBJECT: Review proposed warrant articles
PRESENT: Budget Committee members: Lucille Noel, Bruce Dyke, Lisa Drouse, Norm Larochelle, Scott Martson and John Martell

Lisa D. began by updating the group on the information she gathered regarding cell phone plans.  After speaking to her husband, a city of Concord employee, she learned that the city handles all phones under one plan with a pool of shared minutes.  The concern expressed from the BC was that the Board would be setting a precedent should they allow the Forest Warden to submit a monthly bill for reimbursement because he does not desire to carry a town issued cell phone.  John M. cautioned that the BC does not set policy the Board does.  Chairman DeBold stated the Warden needs a cell phone however it is up to the Board to develop a policy to say how the money will be used.  The Board agreed they would not treat the Warden differently and he would be issued a town cell phone.

A lengthy discussion took place regarding the amount proposed for training across all departments.  The BC felt those lines could be reduced further and that the only training funded this year is that of a mandatory nature dependant upon retaining certification to perform oneís duties.  Chief Clarke stated he had already cut his training line and the amount remaining is what is needed for mandatory training.  Chief Clarke further stated that it was his opinion that the last place the BC should be cutting is the fire, police and EMS training.  Mr. Kenneally commented that your best help is trained help.

Chairman DeBold asked for a consensus of the BC.  The BC agreed to stay with the training as proposed for this year.

The libraryís new proposal was discussed next.  The trustees have proposed to fund an additional four hours only for the librarian duties as these are hours she currently works without getting paid for.   The BC strongly recommended the trustees consider a part-time position down the road to allow for an additional trained employee and the ability to expand the position for years to come without paying out benefits.  Chairman DeBold was disappointed that the trustees had not proposed a COLA increase for the librarian.  The BC concurred.  Chairman DeBold moved to grant a 3.5% COLA increase to the librarian, an increase of $942, for a total library proposed budget of $46,752.00.  Selectman MacCleery seconded the motion for discussion.

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BOS minutes
January 20, 2009

 Selectman Jordan was not in favor and stated his reasoning was that all other departments were told to find the increase within their budget if they were going to give the COLA.  This would be an increase to the budget.  Bruce D. stated the fundamental difference was that the library was adding hours to the position.  Chairman DeBold added that the library made significant cuts throughout the budget to hold the increase to a minimum.  The Chairman called for the vote.  Motion passed two to one in favor.  Lucille N. will relay the decision to the other trustees.   

Scott M. thanked the departments for working the right way and doing what the group asked and suggested that next year the group allow the departments to create the budget and then add the COLA on top of that.

The group discussed the request for double the funding of the Old Home Day Committee at length.  Costs for the event were submitted and reviewed.  Scott M. proposed a compromise of funding an additional $1,000.  The group struggled with approving this increase in light of all the work done by departments to cut their budgets and the desire of the BC and BOS to submit a net tax impact budget to the voters. However the event had overwhelming support and the group decided that it might be best to have this discussion on the floor at town meeting and let the body decide whether or not they want to fund this increase. Scott M. withdrew his proposal.  

Discussion finally turned to the warrant.  Chairman DeBold informed the group that the Parks & Recreation Commission removed their article because they have decided to fund the survey work from the Capital Reserve Fund which the Board are agents of so there is no need to have this as a warrant item.
Selectman MacCleery asked if the Recreation Commission had looked at grant funding for this work.  Chairman DeBold responded not at this time but perhaps the commission can look at grants this year.

The BC and the Selectmen voted their recommendations for the warrant articles.  All articles were recommended except for ñ
        Deer Meadow Rd-$61,200 to shim/seal-the BC was in favor, the Selectmen were not
        Canterbury Rd-$298,000 to reclaim/pave-neither the BC or the Selectmen were in favor

This led to a brief discussion of whether or not to remove these articles from the warrant.  The Selectmen are not obligated to place any article not supported on the warrant but have always respected the submissions of departments and placed any articles submitted on the warrant.  This year will be no different. The result is that all dollar amounts are contained in the total figure for appropriations.  Selectman Jordan commented that he believes the Road Agent is doing what David believes is the best thing for the town.         

Chairman DeBold commended the Budget Committee for all their hard work during this process.  Selectman MacCleery suggested a Letter to the Editor be placed in the paper encouraging people to come to the budget hearing.   Bruce offered to script the letter as he has in previous years.   

The Selectmen reviewed the submission of two warrant articles from the Historical Society.  One proposing a Heritage Commission and the other to regulate the removal of stone walls.  The Board would like further information and directed Lisa to schedule a meeting with the Historical Society.

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BOS minutes
January 20, 2009

Chairman DeBold discussed the phone call he received from Mr. Chuck Breton regarding the issue of discontinuing the abandoned portion of Bailey Road when then Rte 4 construction project redirected the end of Bailey Road.  Chairman DeBold drafted a warrant article for the Boards review.  This and the stonewall article will be sent to town counsel for review.  

The Board discussed the top two candidates for consideration of the building inspector position.  Lisa was directed to offer candidate number one the position at a weekly salary of $200 plus a portion of the proposed fees for mechanical, electrical and plumbing permits.  Lisa will send an offer of employment.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.   

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:45PM.  

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                                    Approved As Corrected
Administrator                                                                           1/27/09

______________________           _______________________                _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery                     Jeffrey Jordan